The horticultural industry is working together to create responsibly sourced composts and soil mixes which lower potential impact on the environment

The Responsible Sourcing Scheme for Growing Media has been developed by the Growing Media Association under the auspices of the Horticultural Trades Association and in collaboration with leading retailers, Defra and NGO’s.It assesses the impact of each raw material that accounts for more than 5% of the volume of the mix against seven criteria. Learn More

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Moregro Top Soil

"Our Peat free top soil has been formulated to contain a high loam base mixed with fibres from sustainably managed forests. The added loam contains a high humus content that helps to retain nutrients and moisture, this will also improve soil fertility and increase organic matter. Our topsoil has been sieved to remove debris with a screen size of 0-12mm meaning that only the best quality of ingredients are being added to the soil and to prevent any weed seeds from growing. The Topsoil helps plants to establish solid roots and they will in turn experience better drainage and less soil erosion."

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Peat-Free Container & Basket Compost

Professional quality, 100% Peat-Free & Coir-Free compost. Soil Association Approved for Organic growing. Synthetic Chemical free and natural. 100% sustainable: grown, harvested, sourced & manufactured in the UK. Suitable for a wide range of garden applications including potting, potting-on and planting out. Ideal for all container growing and for hanging baskets. Now with added Organic Fertiliser Superfood. Animal product free. Available in 20 & 40 litre bags.

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Bulrush Sow & Cutting

A carefully formulated compost for sowing & cutting. Sizes: 10L carry bale

Rating: d


Miracle-Gro Peat Free Premium Azalea, Camellia, Rhodendron Special Plants Compost

Miracle-Gro Peat Free Premium Azalea, Camellia & Rhododendron, Special Plants Compost is part of the high-performing Miracle-Gro peat-free range. Specially formulated to cater the needs for all ericaceous plants that love acidic growing conditions, this peat-free compost contains patented Smart Fibre™ and Waterlock™ Technologies to ensure your ericaceous plants have all the nutrients they need to survive. Ideal for all ericaceous plants such us azaleas, camellias and rhododendron. Perfect for use in pots and containers, beds and borders.

Rating: a


Bulrush Peatfree Ericaceous

Our new premium peat-free compost for growing acid loving plants such as Rhododendrons, Azaleas and Camellias. Sizes: 40L

Rating: b


Bulrush Peatfree Multipurpose

Our new premium peat-free compost for jobs all around the garden. Sizes: 40L bag

Rating: b


John Innes No.3 Compost

Our John Innes No.3 Peat Free compost is made from the 50 year old recipe of loam and horticultural grit combined with bark fines and COIR. Our formula provides mature plants with a stockpile of nutrients for potting on and final potting of mature plants into large containers or pots. Our John Innes No.3 Peat Free helps to promote strong root development, healthy growth and maintenance of plants along with a long lasting moisture retention feature that will help to reduce the need for watering and prevent drying out. The unique properties of this compost is free draining and helps to prevent the roots becoming waterlogged and keeps porosity to allow plants to respire. The compost is specially formulated to act as an anchor for roots of mature plants with its heavier composition of other composts.

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Levington John Innes Ericaceous

Ideal for final potting of ericaceous or acid loving plants like azaleas, rhododendrons or heathers. Specially developed, with a unique combination of NPK and trace elements, vital minerals for maintaining plants growth and health. Ideal for final potting of acid loving plants like azaleas, rhododendrons or heathers.

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Miracle-Gro Peat Free Premium All Purpose Special Edition Greenfingers Compost

Miracle-Gro Peat Free Premium All-Purpose Compost is part of the high-performing Miracle-Gro peat-free range. Containing a unique formulation that will ensure your plants are fed for 3 months, this peat free compost provides the optimum structure for roots to grow strong and preventing them from drying out. Ideal for all plants, flowers, fruits and vegetables. Works well for young plants and established plants. Perfect for use in beds, borders, hanging baskets, pots and containers.

Rating: a


Bulrush Moisture Retaining

Compost for use with hanging baskets, containers, tubs and window boxes Sizes: 60L bag, 20L carry bale

Rating: c


Coco Grow Coir Compost

Pure coir compost. Nutrient free, Ph balanced and suitable for a range of purposes. Nutrient free coir compost Coco Grow is made of 100% natural, organic and vegan friendly coir pith-based substrate. Coir compost increases the porosity of any potting mix, which helps to keep the soil loose and airy, helping in better root growth. This means it is ideal to add to any soil mix and for seeding alike. The fine texture results in better plant growth and higher yield. Being ph balanced with no nutrients added, Coco Grow is ideal for creating compost blends and mixes to suit any situation or plant variety.

Rating: c


Ericaceous Compost (Peat Free)

Evergreen’s Peat Free Ericaceous Compost is an all-natural blend of essential trace elements and nutrients specifically for use with ericaceous plants which require acidic and lime-free conditions such as Rhododendrons, Azaleas, Heathers and some species of Alpines.

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