Become A Member
Benefits of being a Retailer member of the RSS
- Consumer Trust and Brand image: By aligning with the RSS, retailers can demonstrate clearly to their consumers that their business is environmentally responsible. This alignment can help increase consumer trust and loyalty, and consumers are seeking products that are more responsibly sourced.
- Product Differentiation: Retailers can differentiate their products by showcasing the RSS certification or ratings of the products they stock.
- Purchasing Decision: Retailers can make a conscious decision to stock greater volumes of higher-scoring products, and therefore more responsibly conscious.
- Marketing: Retailers will have access to the RSS logo, which can be used on their marketing material, for instance on the retailer’s website or in the retailer’s store.
Benefits of being a Grower member of the RSS
- Responsible Practices: The RSS provides a basis for growers to be provided with a rating for each substrate and an overall rating for the growing media mix they are purchasing from their manufacturing supplier. This enables the grower to make a clear distinction between different growing media mixes.
- Market Attractiveness: By joining the RSS, growers will be able to demonstrate the score of the growing media that their crop was grown in. This will make the grower more attractive to retailers looking to work with more responsible suppliers, and also consumers, looking for more responsibly grown crops.
- Marketing: Growers will have access to the RSS logo, which can be used on their marketing material such as a website, or event on the pots of the products themselves, enabling them to transparently demonstrate to a consumer the rating of a specific grown crop.
Benefits of being a Manufacturer Member of the RSS
- Supply Chain Transparency: By working through the audit process with each substrate, and each substrate's supply change, manufacturers will be able to trace the environmental impact of their raw materials and process and will be able to enact positive changes.
- Product Innovation: Manufacturers are encouraged to innovate and develop more sustainable products as they continue to search for more products that are responsibly sourced and thus better scoring.
- Industry Leadership: By joining the RSS, manufacturers can position themselves as industry leaders in responsibly sourced substrates, and products, enhancing their reputation and influence on the market, as both retailers and consumers continue to search for high-scoring growing media products.
- Marketing: Manufacturers will have access to the RSS logo, which can be used on their marketing material such as websites and the packaging of their products. The score can be displayed on the products, enabling retailers and consumers to understand the environmental responsibility rating of a product.
If you would like your business to become a member of the Responsible Sourcing Scheme, contact [email protected].